About Hall Computer Services

In the Beginning

The founders of our company had accountancy backgrounds and could see the inequality of what was available to small businesses as opposed to the unlimited IT budgets of big businesses.

Since the first PC was launched in the early eighties, Hall Computer Services has been developing better and safer systems that allow increased security and efficiency for small business networks.

They produced an accounting software system for efficient daily operations and planning by giving access to immediate data for future projections at an affordable price.

That resourceful attitude is still alive today.  Our management is constantly investigating new innovative changes in efficient operating and security systems to stay ahead of the curve and provide better solutions for clients to match their budgets.

40 years later and still strong

We operate from East Brisbane with an ever-evolving team of engineers who sign up for our training systems and the lessons learned from our longevity in the industry and the certifications offered by the industry partnerships that we have nurtured over time.

We focus on designing, installing and maintaining network systems for small to medium businesses because we understand the obligation needed to protect and grow IT systems with every change we see in the field.

Our mix of skills, experience and a genuine interest in the welfare of our clients is reflected in the client referrals and longevity and we maintain a personal association with each of them.

We are visible, available and reliable in emergencies and you can always drop in any time you need to.

We concentrate on IT – so you can concentrate on core business.